Block Sequencing

Assigning a sequence for block mining

Automatic Block Sequencing

To access this task:

  • Activate the Reserves ribbon and select Dependencies | Sequence

This task creates an initial mining sequence for the mining blocks on the phase-benches within a pit. The sequence is used to generate an initial default schedule which can be further refined with the scheduling tools or by using Datamine's Datamine Task Scheduler.

A mining block sequence can either be created using the Optimized Model sequence or a Custom sequence.

Field Details:

Optimized Model Sequence: if this option is selected then a sequence is generated that as far as possible follows the optimized sequence within the block model. The field in the model file that represents the optimal sequence is defined in the Define Planning Model task. Once generated, you can display theSequenceand/or the blockOutlines.

Custom Sequence: there are three options for creating a custom sequence. If selected, the following options become available:

Pit: select the pit in which to add dependencies.

Sort By: choose how the blocks are sorted to form a sequence:

    • X,Y

      The mining block sequence within a phase-bench is sorted by the X and Y coordinates of points at the centre of gravity of each block.
    • Y,X

      The mining block sequence within a phase-bench is sorted by the Y and X coordinates of points at the centre of gravity of each block.
    • Exit Points

      The mining block sequence within a phase-bench is sorted in ascending order by the distance of points at the centre of each block from a set of supplied points.

      The supplied points file should contain a point for each phase-bench.

      A point is used on a phase-bench if its elevation is within the limits of the bench. Only one point is considered per bench.

For each set of block outlines (created using either the Auto or Manual Block Creation tasks), you Create an optimal sequence. Alternatively, click Create All to generate a sequence for all phases.


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The Reserves Workflow
Manage Pits
Define Planning Model
Validate Planning Model